Sunday, July 04, 2004

Who is Miss Science?

Miss Science is a professor of chemistry. She has a master's degree (MEd) in science education and a doctorate (PhD) in chemistry. So, technically, she's Dr. Science, but that name's already taken.

Miss Science will answer general science questions for a general audience. Her specialty is, of course, chemistry. But, she will occasionally entertain questions from other disciplines as her knowledge permits.


At 5:40 PM, Blogger Anonymous Me said...

Hey, what a great idea! Here's a question for you. i came across this sentence when reading some basic information about Saturn (the planet, not the car brand): Saturn's mass is about 5.69 x 10(to the)26th kg. How do they know?

At 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Miss Science,
Given the following--
Misner space can exhibit more than one type of vacuum state, wherein a closed timelike curve could exist. If so, quantum effects do not automatically enforce Hawking's "chronology protection" in every case. Thus, with sufficient warping of space-time, a timelike curve could be created, making time travel possible.
--How much gravitational force is needed to create such a warp, and would this render time travel a practical impossibility, i.e., as creating a black hole in your front parlor might wreak havoc on the surrounding space-time (and annoy, if not reduce to protoplasmic jelly, the neighbors)?

At 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Science

I was just wondering how do u make soap? Because i have to make soap in my science class and i dont know what to do!

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Ask Miss Science said...

I do not have a handy and easy recipe for soap making. However, an internet search on "soap making" yields a number of resources. Here are the first two on the list from my search:


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